Friday, December 12, 2008

Working on bead photography

Here is a shot that I recently did for my mom who is into working on beads. I need to get a more powerful light source as the one I am currently using requires me to have a large aperture, which reduced my depth of field, which causes parts of the image to be slightly out of focus (the right bead on this one). I took two shots to make this image, one with the light source to the north, and one to the west, over layed them in photoshop, and erased the glare so to get rid of those annoying spots. Though parts of it are slightly out of focus, I think it turned out rather nicely.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Playing with photoshop

Been playing a tad with photoshop, what do you think?

Monday, December 1, 2008

My daughter is cute

Was cleaning off some old photos from my camera and came across these adorable shots of Alexandra from a friends wedding. I think this one is my favorite:

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Video work

Turns out I misspelled someones name in the credits of the timelapse movie I created for the 2008 fieldschool. I always have problems trying to insert new video into an existing file using virtual dub (either mismatched codecs, framerates, or streams), but I think I finally got this working. Check it out on youtube, its the 2008 american bar excavation video.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Microphotography Gallery

I was waiting for Kirsten after finishing up some ceramics, so I started taking some more shots with the microscope, check them out here. Each image seen is a compilation of 8-12 images that are at various focus settings, then merged together to fix depth of field issues using a program called helicon focus. If you have ideas for interesting things to photo, lemmie know and I will give em a try.


Microphotography Working

After months of fiddling around off on down where I work at the radiation center, I finally got the microscope/computer/camera to play together. While the quality still is a little iffy, overall I am pretty happy with the results. Check it out below. The first set of images are edge on at 7, 20, and 45x magnifications, and the second set are the head of the quarter, at the same mag. You can checkout what it looks like for ceramics at my ceramics work gallery


Internship stuff

I am working on getting Deanna's placename stuff working on the web. Greg created a template populated using adobe contribute, and it looks pretty slick, with easy content addition. Hopefully it will be ready for primetime sometime in the next week or two. I am currently cleaning up video of elders talking about placenames for Deanna,;the dvd's she had were interlaced, so I am using virtualdub to remove the visual problems, cleaning up the sound with audacity, and getting them ready to post into the placename project. I also am working on getting the meta gallery setup with a guestbook and email notification. Check it out here and